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La Double Vie: The Short Film

  • Produced by Atta Chui and Tom Ruffles.
  • Director & Script writer: Atta Chui.
  • Running time: 5 mins.
  • Colour PAL Mini DV.
  • Cast: Jennifer Peachey, Lewis Westbury.

    Dreams, memories or a double life?

Film festivals

This short film version was shown at CineCam's annual film show in March 2004.

It entered 2 European film festivals in 2004:

At the Oslo Amateur Film Festival (Euro-Filmforum Scandinavia), La Double Vie was awarded a Sliver Frame and has been selected, among other 13 films, for the Euro Filmfestival in 2005.

La Double Vie was also shown at the 43rd Golden Knight International Film and Video Festival in Malta.

In 2005, it received a Silver Frame at the Euro Filmfestival

30 EXT. Paternoster Square - DAY

Anthony and Cynthia meet by the Square. Cynthia wears a white dress under a dark jacket. It’s a bit unusual for the chilly weather.

Is it because you’re returning to the university for the new term?

One of the reasons.

So sudden... Just like what you did 8 years ago.

Don’t mention it. I don’t want to talk about it again.

Please stay. London is a good place to stay.

Tokyo is great too. Why don’t you come over?

Sure - If you ask.

Cynthia looks at Anthony. There is a moment of silence.

Nothing can happen between us now.

Anthony tries to hold her hand, but Cynthia just moves a step away.

Ah... I almost forgot...

Cynthia takes her camcorder out and gives it to Anthony. She takes off her jacket.

Just like what we did before?

Yes, but it needs to be a bit closer.

Anthony takes shots of Cynthia in the white dress. In slow motion, Cynthia moves around the trees and shows a motionless face. Yet the motionless face could not fit into the mood they are in. It is so unreal.


La Double Vie (Double Life) Main Page

Produced by Tom Ruffles and Atta Chui
Written and directed by Atta Chui

This page is last updated on March 12, 2006 @ 12:29:36 pm

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